Ronna Welsh, Purple Kale Kitchenworks

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Trip to the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store takes the better part of the day. ⁠Standing in long lines for city blocks, rearranging my kitchen into sanitation stations, methodically cleansing every little thing. ⁠

So when I shop, I stock up each time on what feels like a foolish amount of food, but I hope is enough to last two weeks. I buy things in triplicate, including these pretty birds. Three chickens yield a big pot of braised legs, poached breasts for a week's worth of sandwiches, and carcasses and wings for 2 quarts of rich, gelatinous stock. If each bird comes with its liver intact, I'll stretch three lobes to feed four, diced and folded into scrambled eggs. ⁠#thenimblecook